Of the mountain ranges in Romania, there are a couple that fit the Freudian Totem tag: the Piatra Craiului and the Ceahlău. Equally mythical and identified by their fans with an untouchable aura, be it about those impressive ridges bursting off the fir tree forest or some cow dung in one of the clearings at their foothills, everything is, hmm, err, has to be great about these two. Other than that, these are some exquisite places to trek or climb through, as well as cycle around. As far as the Ceahlău is concerned, its pyramidal Toaca Peak has long fascinated visitors and locals alike. But the Southern ridge is equally - or more - dramatic, so do not miss the Clăile lui Miron or the Eastern slope of the Ocolașul Mare. For ideas of trekking routes in these mountains and not only, refer to my GPS track page.