For more directions to trekking along the Suhard, I have uploaded here the GPS map of the main ridge route, including going down along the Bârgău to Grădinița Railway Station. As I kept on believing there must be a way to avoid the young fir forest on the first wooden peak along the Creasta Munților Înșirați (the first one past the Prăjii) some 1 hour after Cucureasa Sheepfold, I tried to do that left and right, which can be seen on the map (Suhard map 8). Eventually I found an unmarked sheep trail to the right (W) of the peak; go straight up towards the peak until the treeline and turn 90 degrees right; the trail appears when entering the forest. This trail is not shown in the screenshots below. If in doubt, go straight up to the peak, try to spot the rare old red blaze marks and follow the ridge through the dense young fir forest.

Some notes:

  1. -dreapta = right

  2. -stânga = left

  3. -înainte = straight

  4. -lac = lake

  5. -găvan = weak spring people dam off in order to create a pool and use the water of

  6. -izvor = spring

  7. -șa = saddle

  8. -vf. = short for “vârf” (En. peak)

  9. -stână = sheepfold

At the end you will find a tourist map as well, of reasonable accuracy.